Buy a Ticket or Table
2024 A Night For Kids Dinner & Auction
20th Annual Dinner & Auction
Saturday, April 13, 2024 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Tickets: $100 each or $750 for a table of 8
All proceeds benefit Lutheran students.
You're invited to join us!
“A Night for Kids” is LESA’s largest annual fundraising effort to support and sustain the future of Lutheran Christian education in the St. Louis Metro Area. Last year’s event raised $239,000 for need-based scholarships and educational resources such as STEM programs, professional development and curriculum guides.
This year’s event includes a live auction, scholarship fund-a-need, 50/50 drawing and special tributes to our Lutheran luminaries including the 500 Lutheran educators.
Since 2004, LESA has awarded more than $7.5 million in financial assistance to families of all faiths in St. Louis and southern Illinois. To help advance that mission, the Lutheran Legacy Foundation, one of three of our endowment partners, has pledged to provide a generous match for endowment gifts and pledges made at this event.
Orlando Gardens West
2050 Dorsett Village, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
A Night For Kids Dinner & Auction Co-Chairs
Marilyn K. Brickler and Lauren Brickler
Buy An Event Program Ad
You can also purchase an ad to advertise your business or to support a student, a school or a faculty member in our printed program distributed at the event.