LESA Member Teacher Named LEA Outstanding New Lutheran Elementary Teacher
Allyson Hoger was selected to receive Lutheran Education Association’s 2020 Outstanding New Lutheran Elementary Teacher Award. She is in her third year of teaching at Immanuel Lutheran School in St. Charles, Mo. Among responsibilities in addition to teaching third grade, Allyson leads the Faith Family Committee, serves on the Yearbook Committee, and is assistant cheerleading coach. Ms. Hoger earned a B.A. in elementary education with a minor in theology and endorsements in special education and middle school language arts from Concordia University Chicago.
One parent, in support of Allyson’s nomination, said, “As a parent of four children, I have met many teachers over the years and Allyson is far and away one of the best we have ever had. She has the gift of teaching. I am not even comparing her to other new teachers; she is one of the best of all time. I find it so refreshing when I go to parent-teacher conferences. Miss Hoger knows the whole child. She is extremely organized and passionate. These characteristics shine through in all that she does. She makes learning fun and exciting. She is amazing at incorporating games and technology into her lessons.”
Allyson’s assistant principal commented, “Miss Hoger’s lessons are phenomenal. She presents each subject area in a variety of methods in order to educate her classroom of diverse learners. When observing Miss Hoger’s classroom I am immediately drawn to the energy and confidence Miss Hoger exudes in presenting each lesson. In turn, her students feed off her energy and excitement for the subject matter. Her pastor adds, “Allyson goes above and beyond with her involvement in the school and church outside her classroom. She never strives just to get by or for the bare minimum. Allyson always surpasses my expectations and is a team player and a natural leader. She is mature beyond her years. She relates with ease and excellence with people of all ages.”
Allyson says, “My mission as a Lutheran educator is to inspire and support students by providing them with a safe and loving learning environment in order to educate them socially, emotionally, spiritually, and cognitively so that they can learn how to be Christ followers in today’s society. Students in my classroom have the purpose of learning, cooperating as a body of Christ and deepening their faith. It is my belief that the teaching ministry involves not only teaching young minds but also encouraging children to be disciples so that they can spread the Gospel message to others.”
For a complete list of honorees, visit www.lea.org.
Edward Grube (ed.grube@lea.org)
Director of Publications and Communications
Lutheran Education Association
7400 Augusta Street
River Forest, IL 60305
708.209.3453 Fax 708.209.3458