LESA Launches $500 Digital Marketing Match for Schools
Nearly 30 LESA principals and marketing & admissions directors gathered Wednesday, March 4, 2020, at Lutheran North for LESA’s Spring 2020 School Marketing Gathering.
The focus of the event was Best Practices for Digital Marketing and Advertising to help schools navigate and evaluate the numerous digital options available to schools and education organizations. In addition to the presentation, Katherine Auble, LESA’s Director of Marketing and Fund Development, announced the launch of a new $500 LESA Digital Marketing Match program to help schools build and enhance their online marketing and recruitment campaigns.
Under the match program, LESA will provide $500 in matching funds to the first 10 schools in a position to commit. So far, eight LESA member schools have committed to participating. Based on the outcomes from this initial match offer, we hope to extend it to more member schools in the future.
LESA organizes and hosts dedicated school marketing events each school year to give principals, support staff and marketing & admissions directors from our 34 member schools a chance to meet, talk and share best practices for growing enrollment and marketing their schools. Past presentations have included parent-school communication, social media marketing, admissions screening, crisis communication, school tours and best practices for student retention.
For more information on LESA’s school marketing outreach efforts, contact:
Katherine (Kit) Auble
Director, LESA Fund Development and Marketing
314-200-0797 – office