(ST. LOUIS, Mo) January 21, 2021 – Eight-thousand students at 35 Lutheran schools in the St. Louis area will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week, January 24-30, 2021. The schools, members of the St. Louis-based Lutheran Elementary School Association, will mark the week with service projects, special activities, tours and open house events. Several schools will also celebrate their 100th Day of School during this week.
The theme of this year’s celebration is Sent to Serve, based on Matthew 20:28: “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
In the St. Louis area, several schools will host in-person Open House events and tours at their respective campuses. To find and confirm times for participating schools, see below, or visit our 2021 Winter-Spring Open House Schedule at www.lesastl.org.
Lutheran schools represent the second largest private school system in the Bi-State Region and were among the first to return to full-time in-person learning in St. Louis and southern Illinois this summer and fall. In August, LESA awarded a record number of need-based scholarships to help Lutheran school students and families who were affected by the economic shutdown. Currently, 1 in 10 Lutheran school students receives some level of financial assistance from LESA.
Nationwide, 180,000 children in more than 1,900 preschools, elementary schools and high schools will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week this year. The week, which occurs annually during the last week of January, gives Lutheran school students and staff a public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate God’s work among us in schools of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For more information on National Lutheran Schools Week, visit https://www.lcms.org/lutheranschoolsweek.
About LESA
LESA serves 8,000 students and 500 faculty and staff at 35 elementary and high schools in the St. Louis Metro Area, including four National Blue Ribbon schools and three National Lutheran Exemplary Schools. Lutheran schools serve children of all faiths, abilities and backgrounds, and provide meaningful tuition assistance to families that qualify. To date, LESA has awarded more than $6.1 million to St. Louis area families, touching the lives of more than 3,300 children. For more information, visit www.LESAstl.org, or call LESA at 314-200-0797. LESA is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
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2021 Winter-Spring – Open House & Tour Information
Schools are listed by geographic area & include links to individual school websites. Call individual schools to confirm dates and times listed below. To see a visual layout of schools, click Schools and Browse Our Schools on the menu bar, or here.
Need help finding a school near home, work or family? Give us a call at 314-200-0790, or 314-200-0797, or email us kauble@lesastl.org.
Illinois – Metro East
Good Shepherd, Collinsville 618-344-3153
February 28, 1-3 pm & March 14, 1-3 pm
PreK-8 – Visit with teachers, tour our facilities & learn about what it means to be a Charger!
Holy Cross, Collinsville 618-344-3145
- Sunday, January 31, 1-3 pm
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. John’s, Red Bud 618-282-3873
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. Paul’s, Troy 618-667-6314
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Trinity, Edwardsville 618-656-7002
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Unity, East St. Louis 618-874-6605
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Zion, Belleville 618-234-0275
- Sunday, January 31, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Zion, Bethalto 618-377-5507
St. Louis Area – North
Atonement, Florissant 314-837-1252
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Grace Chapel, Bellefontaine Neighbors 314-867-6564
- Personal Tours Available Feb. 16-18, 4-5:30 pm – to book a time, call or email Irene Desmond, Admissions Director, at 314-867-6564, ext 224, or idesmond@gracechapelstl.org (additional dates & times available by appointment)
- Virtual Tour – Link Coming Soon
River Roads, Baden 314-388-0300
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Salem Lutheran, Florissant 314-741-8220
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. Louis Area – South
Abiding Savior, Mehlville 314-892-4408
- Sunday, January 24, 1-3 pm
Green Park 314-544-4248
Salem, Affton 314-353-9242
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. John’s, Arnold 636-464-7303
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
- New Student Enrollment Opens Feb. 1
Word of Life, St. Louis Hills 314-832-1244
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. Louis Area – West
Christ Community (CCLS), Kirkwood/Webster Groves 314-822-7774
Immanuel, Olivette 314-993-5004
Personal Tours by appointment – Mon-Fri, from 4-6 pm – call Dorothy Glenn, Admissions Director, at 314-993-5004
Coffee & Conversation – Fridays from 8:10 – 8:30am – Meet w/ current school parents & teachers/staff
- Upcoming Fridays: February 5, March 5, March 9 & May 7 – RSVP: 314-993-5004
Immanuel, Washington 636-239-1636
- Open Enrollment Night – Thurs., January 28, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Our Savior, Fenton 636-343-7511
- Sunday, January 24, 1-3 pm
- Reservations required due to Covid precautions – call 636-343-7511
St. John, Ellisville 636-386-0186
St. Mark’s, Eureka 636-938-4432
- Virtual Tour – Click Here
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
St. Paul’s, Des Peres 314-822-2771
- Private Tours Available – Mon-Thurs at 3:45 p.m. Email Joanna Hoeltge, Admissions Coordinator, at jhoeltge@stpaulsdesperes.org to book your tour
St. Charles & Franklin Counties
Child of God, St. Peters 636-970-7080
- In-person tours available by appointment:
- January 25-29 – call for times
- Saturday, January 30, 9-11 am
- Enrollment Opens – February 1, 2021 at 9 am
- Virtual Tour – Click Here
Immanuel, St. Charles 636-946-0051
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Immanuel, Wentzville 636-639-9887
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Messiah, Weldon Spring 636-329-1096
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Zion, St. Charles 636-441-7424
- Call or email to arrange a personal tour
Lutheran High Schools
Lutheran North High School & Middle School 5401 Lucas & Hunt 314-389-3100
New Student Outreach Events:
- Course Selection Nights – Monday, January 25 or Thursday, February 11, from 7 – 8:30pm. Please register online as space is limited due to Covid restrictions. The link to register is Lutheran North Course Selection Night
- Crusader Day Visits every Tuesday & Thursday morning at 9 am. Please call Becky Kammeier in Admissions to schedule your visit at 314-833-2942.
Lutheran High School South 314-631-1400
- Course Selection Night – Monday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. In-person or virtual options available. RSVP here. Join us as we map out your first year of high school classes!
- Personal Tours available & encouraged – to set up a time, email Katy Schmitt, Admissions Director, at kschmitt@LSLancers.org
Lutheran High School St. Charles 636-928-5100
- Personal Tours available & encouraged – to set up a time, email Lisa Gnade, Admissions Director, at gnade@lhssc.org
Metro-East Lutheran High School 618-656-3315
- Personal Tours encouraged – to set up a time, email Angela Mueller, Marketing & Admissions Director, at Admissions@Melhs.Org
For information or media inquiries:
Katherine Auble
Director, Fund Development & Marketing
Lutheran Elementary School Association
314-200-0797 – office/direct line
Brenda Madden Kimberlin
Communications & Outreach Coordinator
314-496-1799 (cell)
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